
David Mazières


goxdr - Go XDR compiler


goxdr [-b|-B] [-fmt] [-i import] [-p package]
      [-o output.go] [file.x …]


goxdr compiles an RFC4506 XDR interface file to a set of go data structures that can be either marshaled to or unmarshaled from standard XDR binary format or traversed for other purposes such as pretty-printing. It does not rely on go’s reflection facilities, and so can be used to special-case handling of different XDR typedefs that represent identical go types.

Because go’s type system is not very extensible, goxdr uses a dual type system. Every type T declared in an XDR file compiles to two corresponding go types, a native type T convenient for programming, and an XdrType, XdrType_T, with methods that facilitate generic traversal and marshaling. XdrType_T is equivalent to *T when it is possible to implement appropriate methods on T, but this is not always the case. However, for all XDR types T, there is a method XDR_T(*T)XdrType_T to cast a value to its XdrType.

goxdr’s native types map to the most intuitive go equivalent: strings map to strings, pointers map to pointers, fixed-size arrays map to arrays, and variable-length arrays map to slices, without new type declarations that might complicate assignment. E.g., the XDR typedef string mystring<32> is just a string, and so can be assigned from a string. This does mean you can assign a string longer than 32 bytes, but length limits are enforced during both marshaling and unmarshaling.

Type representations

To be consistent with go’s symbol export policy, all types, enum constants, and struct/union fields defined in an XDR file are capitalized in the corresponding go representation. Source XDR types are mapped to their equivalent go types as follows (note that T cannot be opaque or string in this table):

Source type     Native type    notes
--------------  ------------   ------------------------------
bool            bool           use capital TRUE and FALSE
int             int32
unsigned int    uint32
hyper           int64
unsigned hyper  uint64
float           float32
double          float64
quadruple       float128       but float128 is not defined
string<n>       string
opaque<n>       []byte
opaque[n]       [n]byte
enum T          type T int32
T*              *T             for any XDR type T
T<n>            []T            for any XDR type T
T[n]            [n]T           for any XDR type T

Each XDR typedef is compiled to a go type alias (type Alias = Original). However, each has its own XdrType, allowing generic traversal code to special-case the use of type aliases. Among other places, this is useful for pretty-printing code that displays the same underlying type in different ways. For example, if your XDR source specifies:

typedef int meters;
typedef int seconds;

it will compile to native types:

type Meters = int32
type Seconds = int32

But you can treat instances of each specially in your marshaling function by testing for type XdrType_Meters or XdrType_Seconds. Alternatively, you can also use the XdrTypeName()string method to obtain the string “Meters” or “Seconds.”

Each XDR enum declaration compiles to a defined type whose representation is an int32. The constants of the enum are defined as go constants of the new defined type.

RFC4506 defines bool in XDR source as equivalent to an enum with name identifiers TRUE and FALSE. goxdr translates XDR’s bool to go’s native bool type. However, following the RFC, goxdr still requires you to use capital TRUE and FALSE. (The identifiers true and false will get translated to exported go identifiers True and False, which is probably not what you want.)

An XDR struct is compiled to a defined type represented as a go struct containing each field of the XDR struct.

An XDR union is compiled to a data structure with one public field for the discriminant and one method for each non-void “arm declaration” (i.e., declaration in a case statement) that returns a pointer to a value of the appropriate type. There is no need to initialize the union when setting the discriminant; changing its value just causes the appropriate method to return a non-nil pointer. Invoking the wrong method for the current discriminant value calls panic.

As an example, the following XDR source:

enum myenum {
    tag1 = 1,
    tag2 = 2,
    tag3 = 3

union myunion switch (myenum discriminant) {
    case tag1:
        int one;
    case tag2:
        string two<>;

compiles to this go code:

type Myenum int32
const (
    Tag1 Myenum = 1
    Tag2 Myenum = 2
    Tag3 Myenum = 3
func XDR_Myenum(v *Myenum) *Myenum { return v }

type Myunion struct {
    Discriminant Myenum
func (u *Myunion) One() *int32 {...}
func (u *Myunion) Two() *string {...}
func XDR_Myunion(x XDR, name string, v *Myunion) *Myunion { return v }

Convenience methods

XDR union types have an XdrValid() bool method that returns whether the discriminant is in a valid state. If the union type does not have a default case, another method XdrValidTags() map[uint32]bool specifies the set of valid discriminant values. For union types that are not valid by default, because go’s default 0 value does not correspond to a valid discriminant, a method XdrInitialize() places them in a valid state. Similarly, enum types that can’t be statically verified to be valid with value 0 (either because no name is assigned to constant 0, or because names are assigned to constants in a different file), have an XdrInitialize() method that sets them to the first name in the enum definition.

The XDR interface

As previously mentioned, every native type T generated by goxdr (where T is the capitalized go type), including typedefs, there is a corresponding XdrType into which one can cast the native type by means of a generated function:

func XDR_T(v *T) XdrType_T {...}

All XdrTypes support the XdrType interface:

type XdrType interface {
    XdrTypeName() string
    XdrValue() interface{}
    XdrPointer() interface{}
    XdrMarshal(XDR, string)

The XdrType can be marshaled, unmarshaled, or otherwise traversed by means of the XdrMarshal(x XDR, name string) method. Note the name argument has no effect for RFC4506-compliant binary marshaling, and can safely be supplied as the empty string "". However, when traversing an XDR type for other purposes such as pretty-printing, name will be set to the nested name of the field (with components separated by period).

The argument x implements the XDR interface and determines what XDR_T actually does (i.e., marshal or unmarshal). It has the following interface:

type XDR interface {
    Marshal(name string, val XdrType)
    Sprintf(string, ...interface{}) string

Sprintf is expected to be a copy of fmt.Sprintf. However, XDR back-ends that do not make use of the name argument (notably marshaling to RFC4506 binary format) can save some overhead by returning an empty string. Hence, the two sensible implementations of Sprintf are:

func (xp *MyXDR1) Sprintf(f string, args ...interface{}) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf(f, args...)

func (xp *MyXDR2) Sprintf(f string, args ...interface{}) string {
    return ""

Marshal is the method that actually does whatever work will be applied to the data structure. The second argument, val, will be the go value that must be marshaled/unmarshaled. To simplify data structure traversal, XdrTypes implement various more specific interfaces that extend XdrType allowing many different types to be handled identically. Specifically:

For most types, you can recover the native type from the XdrType via the the XdrPointer() and XdrValue() methods, which return an interface{}. One exception is arrays (including opaque[]), for which XdrValue() returns a slice to avoid copying the entire array. Also, the fake bool on which Marshal is called for a pointer type supports XdrValue() but returns nil from XdrPointer() since there is no actual bool to point to.

The XdrTypeName() method returns a string describing the underlying type as declared in the XDR file, including any typedef aliases used. The string returned may have a suffix of “*“,”?“,”<>“, or”[]” to indicate pointers, the boolean associated with a pointer, a variable-length array, and a fixed-length array, respectively. If you want the actual size or bound that would go inside the “[]” or “<>”, you will need to obtain these from the XdrArraySize()uint32 or XdrBound()uint32 method respectively.

The table below summarizes the (overlapping) interfaces implemented by the the different XdrTypes generated. In the table, T stands for a complete standalone XDR type (so not string or opaque). Basic marshaling can be performed in a type switch statement handling interfaces that cover all types, for instance XdrNum32, XdrNum64, XdrBytes, and XdrAggregate.

Interface       Implemented for XDR source types
-----------     --------------------------------------------
XdrNum32        bool, [unsigned] int, enums, float,
                size, pointer present flag
XdrNum64        [unsigned] hyper, double
XdrArray        T[n]
XdrVec          T<n>
XdrPtr          T*
XdrEnum         enum T
XdrUnion        union T
XdrBytes        string<n>, opaque[n], opaque<n>
XdrVarBytes     string<n>, opaque<n>
XdrArrayOpaque  opaque[n]
XdrAggregate    struct T, union T, T*, T<n>, T[n]
XdrTypedef      typedef BaseT T
fmt.Stringer    all types in XdrNum{32,64} and XdrBytes
fmt.Scanner     all types in XdrNum{32,64} and XdrBytes
XdrType         all XDR types

XDR functions

As previously mentioned, each (capitalized) type T output by goxdr also has function XDR_T that returns an instance of XdrType. For struct, union, and enum types, this function is the identity function:

func XDR_T(v *T) XdrType_T { return v }

For other types, however, this returns a defined type implementing the interfaces described in the previous subsection. As an example, the following function in the pre-defined boilerplate casts an ordinary *int32 into the defined type *XdrInt32, which implements the XdrNum32 interface:

type XdrInt32 int32
type XdrType_int32 = *XdrInt32
// ... implementation of XdrNum32 methods ...
func (XdrInt32) XdrTypeName() string { return "int32" }
func (v *XdrInt32) XdrPointer() interface{} { return (*int32)(v) }
func (v XdrInt32) XdrValue() interface{} { return int32(v) }
func (v *XdrInt32) XdrMarshal(x XDR, name string) { x.Marshal(name, v) }
func XDR_int32(v *int32) *XdrInt32 { return (*XdrInt32)(v) }

The following table lists the concrete types passed to the Marshal method. Note that types listed as generated get passed as a different defined type for each underlying type T. The defined type makes the size bound availble via an XdrBound() method, since that information cannot conveniently be encoded as part of the go type.

XDR type        Marshaled as    notes
--------------  --------------  -------------------------------
bool            *XdrBool
int             *XdrInt32
unsigned int    *XdrUint32
float           *XdrFloat32
hyper           *XdrInt64
unsigned hyper  *XdrUint64
double          *XdrFloat64
string<n>       XdrString
opaque<n>       XdrVecOpaque
opaque[n]       generated
T               *T              for struct, enum, union
T[n]            generated
T*              generated
T<n>            generated
size            *XdrSize        when recursing in T<n>
typedef         generated       XdrBaseType(v) gives inner type

Note that an XDR Marshal(name string, v XdrType) method can use a type switch to special-case certain interfaces and types. If you test v against interfaces (e.g., XdrNum32), it will work regardless of typedefs. If you test v for specific types, such as XdrString or XdrType_int32, it will not work for typedefs. You can, however, switch on XdrBaseType(v) to check the underlying base type. You can also, of course, switch on the native type returned by v.XdrPointer(), which is not affected by typedefs. XdrTypeName() is also useful to check for typedefs, but to do so should be called on v rather than XdrBaseType(v).

XdrMarshal methods panic with type XdrError (a user-defined string) if the input is invalid or a value is out of range.

Pre-defined XDR types

The types XdrOut, XdrIn, and XdrPrint in the boilerplate code (by default package "github.com/xdrpp/goxdr/xdr") implement the XDR interface and perform RFC4506 binary marshaling, RFC4506 binary unmarshaling, and pretty-printing, respectively.

type XdrOut struct {
    Out io.Writer
type XdrIn struct {
    In io.Reader
type XdrPrint struct {
    Out io.Writer

Program and version declarations

Each version declaration inside a program declaration gets compiled down to an interface with the same name as the version. For example this declaration

program my_prog {
  version my_vers {
    void null(void) = 1;
    int Increment(int) = 2;
    void MultiArg(int, int) = 3;
  } = 1;
} = 0x20000000;

yields the following interface:

type My_vers interface {
    Increment(*int32) *int32
    MultiArg(*int32, *int32)

In addition, goxdr creates a type that implements the My_vers interface (for use in clients):

type My_vers_Client struct {
    XdrSend func(XdrProc) error
func (c My_vers_Client) Null() {...}
func (c My_vers_Client) Increment(a1 *int32) *int32 {...}
func (c My_vers_Client) MultiArg(a1 *int32, a2 *int32) {...}

The methods all bundle their argument and result types into a type implementing XdrProc, and pass it to a function XdrSend. An XdrProc instance contains all the information necessary to marshal a remote procedure call and its result, namely the program, version, and procedure numbers as well as both the arguments and results ready to be marshaled in XdrType format. GetArg() returns the arguments supplied by the user, while GetRes() returns a result type expected to be overwritten by the result of the RPC.

type XdrProc interface {
    Prog() uint32
    Vers() uint32
    Proc() uint32
    ProgName() string
    VersName() string
    ProcName() string
    GetArg() XdrType
    GetRes() XdrType

For the server side, goxdr generates a type My_vers_Server that takes an instance of My_vers and allows lookup of argument and result types by procedure number. Specifically, My_vers_Server just requires an instance of My_vers, and then generically exposes it through the XdrSrv interface.

type My_vers_Server struct {
    Srv My_vers
func (s My_vers_Server) GetProc(p uint32) XdrSrvProc {...}
var _ XdrSrv = My_vers_Server{}    // implements XdrSrv interface

XdrSrv provides everything an RFC5531 RPC library needs to marshal and unmarshal arguments. The Do() method of an XdrSrvProc calls the underlying method on My_vers_Server. Hence, program-independent RPC code can call proc := GetProc() to get the XdrSrvProc, then unmarshal proc.GetArg(), then call proc.Do() to handle the call, and finally marshal the result from proc.GetRes().

type XdrSrvProc interface {

type XdrSrv interface {
    Prog() uint32
    Vers() uint32
    ProgName() string
    VersName() string
    GetProc(uint32) XdrSrvProc


goxdr supports the following options:

Print a brief usage message.
goxdr by default imports "github.com/xdrpp/goxdr/xdr", a module with boilerplate code to assist in marshaling and unmarshaling values, including code for interfaces such as XDR and XdrNum32 as well as helper types implementing these interfaces (XdrInt32, XdrUint32, etc.). This option suppresses that default import. This can be useful if you are importing another package that includes the boilerplate (see -B).
Causes goxdr to emit the boilerplate into its output instead of importing it. Implies -b. Note only one copy of the boilerplate should be included in a package. If you use goxdr to compile all XDR input files to a single go file (the recommended usage), then you will get only one copy of the boilerplate with -B. However, if you compile different XDR files into different go files, you will need to specify -b with each XDR input file to avoid including the boilerplate, then run goxdr with no input files (goxdr -B -o goxdr_boilerplate.go) to get one copy of the boilerplate. You should also use -b if you are importing another package that already includes the boilerplate using the -i option below.
When an enum has one or more constants annotated with a comment, this options causes goxdr to emit a method XdrEnumComments() map[int32]string that contains the comment turned into a string. The option is useful if, for instance, you have an enum encoding various error conditions. In that case you can put a human-readable description of the error condition as a comment in the XDR source file, and access the text of that comment from your program.
Pass the generated code through gofmt -s to simplify and format it.
-i import_path
Add the directive import . “import_path at the top of the output file. This is needed when XDR files in the current package require XDR structures defined in a different package, since XDR itself provides no way to specify package scoping.
Cast all discriminants and cases (except bool) to int32, so that you can use discriminants and cases that are different enum types.
-o output.go
Write the output to file output.go instead of standard output.
-p package
Specify the package name to use for the generated code. The default is for the generated code to declare package main.


To serialize a data structure of type MyType:

func serialize_Mytype(val *MyType) []byte {
    buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
    XDR_MyType(val).XdrMarshal(&XdrOut{ buf }, "")
    return buf.Bytes()

To serialize/unserialize an arbitrary instance of XdrType:

func serialize(val XdrType) []byte {
    buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
    val.XdrMarshal(&XdrOut{ buf }, "")
    return buf.Bytes()

func deserialize(val XdrType, in []byte) (e error) {
    defer func() {
        switch i := recover().(type) {
        case nil:
        case XdrError:
            e = i
    val.XdrMarshal(&XdrIn{ bytes.NewBuffer(in) }, "")
    return nil

To pretty-print an arbitrary XDR-defined data structure, but special-case any fields of type MySpecialStruct by formatting them with a function called MySpecialString(*MySpecialStruct), you can do the following:

type XdrMyPrint struct {
    Out io.Writer

func (xp *XdrMyPrint) Sprintf(f string, args ...interface{}) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf(f, args...)

func (xp *XdrMyPrint) Marshal(name string, i XdrType) {
    switch v := i.(type) {
    case *MySpecialStruct:
        fmt.Fprintf(xp.Out, "%s: %s\n", name, MySpecialString(v))
    case fmt.Stringer:
        fmt.Fprintf(xp.Out, "%s: %s\n", name, v.String())
    case XdrPtr:
        fmt.Fprintf(xp.Out, "%s._present: %v\n", name, v.GetPresent())
        v.XdrMarshalValue(xp, name)
    case XdrVec:
        fmt.Fprintf(xp.Out, "%s.len: %d\n", name, v.GetVecLen())
        v.XdrMarshalN(xp, name, v.GetVecLen())
    case XdrAggregate:
        v.XdrRecurse(xp, name)
        fmt.Fprintf(xp.Out, "%s: %v\n", name, i)

func MyXdrToString(t XdrType) string {
    out := &strings.Builder{}
    t.XdrMarshal(&XdrMyPrint{out}, "")
    return out.String()


rpcgen(1), xdrc(1)

https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4506, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5531


goxdr is not hygienic. Because it capitalizes symbols, it could produce a name clash if two symbols differ only in the capitalization of the first letter. Moreover, it introduces various helper types and functions that begin XDR_ or Xdr, so could produce incorrect code if users employ such identifiers in XDR files. Though RFC4506 disallows identifiers that start with underscore, goxdr accepts them and produces code with inconsistent export semantics (since underscore cannot be capitalized).

With -lax-discriminants, when unions use type bool as a discriminant, goxdr generates incorrect code unless it knows that the discriminant is of type bool. (This is because go provides no uniform syntax for converting both enums and bools to int32.) goxdr tries to figure out when the union discriminant is of type bool by following typedefs in the file, but this doesn’t work work if you use type aliases defined in a different file.

IEEE 754 floating point allows for many different NaN (not a number) values. The marshaling code simply takes whatever binary value go has sitting in memory, byteswapping on little-endian machines. Other languages and XDR implemenations may produce different NaN values from the same code. Hence, in the presence of floating point, the marshaled output of seemingly deterministic code may vary across implementations.